pizza restaurant

Zzetta - Soul Fired Piz­za


Zzetta - Soul Fired Piz­za in Can­ning Town's Rath­bone Mar­ket im­me­di­ate­ly caught our at­ten­tion. This place is­n't just serv­ing food, they're craft­ing an ex­pe­ri­ence. The piz­zas are ob­vi­ous­ly the star – de­li­cious, hand­craft­ed, and cooked to per­fec­tion in their soul-fired oven. But the at­mos­phere it­self is warm and invit­ing, mak­ing you feel right at home. From the qual­i­ty of their in­gre­di­ents to the care they put into each dish, you can tell Zzetta is pas­sion­ate about good food and good times. If you're look­ing for a de­li­cious and mem­o­rable meal, Zzetta is a must-try.
