tourist attraction

Young V&A


For­get bor­ing mu­se­um vis­its! The Young V&A throws open the doors to cre­ativ­i­ty for kids. This dy­nam­ic space en­cour­ages chil­dren to ex­plore, dis­cov­er and - most im­por­tant­ly - cre­ate. Jour­ney through in­ter­ac­tive ex­hibits dis­play­ing play­things and child­hood ar­ti­facts from around the world, each with a cap­ti­vat­ing sto­ry. But the Young V&A is­n't about pas­sive­ly ob­serv­ing; it's about ac­tive­ly en­gag­ing with art and de­sign in a way that's both en­joy­able and in­spir­ing.

Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 17:45Tuesday10:00 - 17:45Wednesday10:00 - 17:45Thursday10:00 - 17:45Friday10:00 - 17:45Saturday10:00 - 17:45Sunday10:00 - 17:45