
Yoma Myan­mar


Crav­ing a taste of Myan­mar in LA? Look no fur­ther than Yoma Myan­mar in Mon­terey Park. Don't let the unas­sum­ing ex­te­ri­or fool you – this place serves up au­then­tic Myan­mar cui­sine that will make your taste buds sing. We were par­tic­u­lar­ly blown away by the fla­vor­ful cur­ries and the per­fect­ly-cooked noo­dle soups. The ser­vice is warm and invit­ing, mak­ing you feel right at home. Plus, with its easy-to-reach lo­ca­tion, it's a great spot to grab take­out or de­liv­ery af­ter a long day of sight­see­ing.

Opening hours
Friday11:00 - 21:30Monday11:00 - 21:30Tuesday11:00 - 21:30Wednesday11:00 - 21:30Thursday11:00 - 21:30Saturday11:00 - 21:30SundayClosed