cantonese restaurant

Ying Jee Club 營致會館


Nes­tled amidst the vi­brant streets of Tsim Sha Tsui, Ying Jee Club is an ex­clu­sive sanc­tu­ary for dis­cern­ing trav­el­ers and lo­cals alike. Step into this op­u­lent haven and be greet­ed by an eclec­tic blend of tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese ar­chi­tec­ture and mod­ern so­phis­ti­ca­tion. The club's spa­cious lounges, adorned with in­tri­cate carv­ings and ex­quis­ite art­works, of­fer a tran­quil

re­treat from the bustling city. Sa­vor de­lec­table Can­tonese cui­sine at the award-win­ning restau­rant, or in­dulge in a re­ju­ve­nat­ing spa treat­ment in­spired by an­cient Chi­nese heal­ing prac­tices. Whether you seek cul­tur­al im­mer­sion or sim­ply a mo­ment of respite, Ying Jee Club promis­es an un­par­al­leled ex­pe­ri­ence that cel­e­brates the rich her­itage and con­tem­po­rary al­lure of Hong Kong.

Opening hours
Monday11:30 - 15:0018:00 - 23:00Tuesday11:30 - 15:0018:00 - 23:00Wednesday11:30 - 15:0018:00 - 23:00Thursday11:30 - 15:0018:00 - 23:00Friday11:30 - 15:0018:00 - 23:00Saturday11:30 - 15:0018:00 - 23:00Sunday11:30 - 15:0018:00 - 23:00