Wim­ble­don Mu­se­um


Wim­ble­don fans, get ready to ex­pe­ri­ence ten­nis like nev­er be­fore! The new­ly ren­o­vat­ed Wim­ble­don Mu­se­um is an ab­solute must-vis­it. And the best part? En­try is com­plete­ly free! Step in­side and jour­ney through the evo­lu­tion of this icon­ic tour­na­ment, from its hum­ble be­gin­nings to its leg­endary sta­tus to­day. In­ter­ac­tive ex­hibits and cap­ti­vat­ing dis­plays bring the past to life, while glimpses of cur­rent hap­pen­ings re­mind you that his­to­ry con­tin­ues to un­fold right be­fore your eyes. Don't miss this chance to im­merse your­self in the thrill and lega­cy of Wim­ble­don!

Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesdayClosedFriday14:30 - 17:00WednesdayClosedThursdayClosedSaturday14:30 - 17:00Sunday14:30 - 17:00