
Wild & The Moon – Al Serkal Av­enue


Find­ing Wild & The Moon in Al Serkal Av­enue feels like dis­cov­er­ing a se­cret gar­den amidst the city buzz. The ex­pan­sive court­yard wel­comes you with lush green­ery and the mag­i­cal glow of fairy lights. This tran­quil am­biance con­tin­ues in­side, blend­ing seam­less­ly with a bo­hemi­an spir­it. Col­or­ful art­work adorns the walls, while the tempt­ing

aro­ma of fresh, or­gan­ic food fills the air. This haven caters to those seek­ing healthy and de­li­cious fare. Their menu bursts with vi­brant juices, fla­vor­ful sal­ads, and even some sur­pris­ing­ly deca­dent ve­g­an desserts. It's an ide­al oa­sis to un­wind and recharge while soak­ing up the art­sy vibe of Al Serkal Av­enue.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday08:00 - 21:00Tuesday08:00 - 21:00Wednesday08:00 - 21:00Thursday08:00 - 21:30Sunday08:00 - 21:30Friday08:00 - 21:30Saturday08:00 - 21:30