
White Man­sion Bou­tique Ho­tel


Walk­ing into the White Man­sion Bou­tique Ho­tel was like step­ping back in time, yet sur­round­ed by all the com­forts of mod­ern liv­ing. The struc­ture it­self is a seam­less fu­sion of his­tor­i­cal el­e­gance and con­tem­po­rary style, re­sult­ing in an am­biance un­like any oth­er. Our room be­came a tran­quil re­treat af­ter busy days of sight­see­ing, its pri­vate bal­cony of­fer­ing a

wel­come respite from the bustling city. The hotel's con­ve­nient lo­ca­tion al­lowed us to eas­i­ly ex­plore Ph­nom Penh on foot, with ma­jor land­marks just a short stroll away. It was com­fort­ing to know that a serene and chic sanc­tu­ary await­ed our re­turn. For a stay that ef­fort­less­ly bal­ances dis­cov­ery and re­ju­ve­na­tion, the White Man­sion Bou­tique Ho­tel is ide­al.
