
Wes­ley's Cafe


Wes­ley's Cafe is a breath of fresh air in every sense. Lo­cat­ed with­in a his­tor­i­cal build­ing, its sun-drenched con­ser­va­to­ry feels like a hid­den oa­sis amidst the ur­ban jun­gle. This airy cafe pro­vides a wel­come respite from the city's fre­net­ic pace, of­fer­ing a menu of com­fort­ing clas­sics. Their sand­wich­es are some­thing of lo­cal leg­end, piled high with fresh fill­ings. How­ev­er, the true stars are the ro­tat­ing hot spe­cials – whole­some, home-cooked meals that change dai­ly, en­sur­ing a de­li­cious dis­cov­ery with every vis­it.
