Wan­der­lust, The Un­lim­it­ed Col­lec­tion by Oak­wood


Step into a world of whim­si­cal de­sign and culi­nary de­lights at Wan­der­lust. This bou­tique ho­tel, part of The Un­lim­it­ed Col­lec­tion by Oak­wood, boasts an ar­ray of unique­ly themed rooms, each of­fer­ing a dis­tinct per­son­al­i­ty and charm. From the vi­brant pop art of the Pan­tone Room to the in­dus­tri­al chic of the Mono Room, there's a space to ig­nite every trav­el­er's imag­i­na­tion. Be­yond its play­ful ac­com­mo­da­tions, Wan­der­lust hous­es a French restau­rant that tan­ta­lizes taste buds with its au­then­tic cui­sine. In­dulge in clas­sic dish­es and sa­vor the fla­vors of France, all with­in the hotel's styl­ish set­ting. Whether you're seek­ing a whim­si­cal es­cape or a taste of Parisian el­e­gance, Wan­der­lust promis­es a mem­o­rable ex­pe­ri­ence.