
Wal­lace Restau­rant


Wal­lace, a true Parisian gem found on Rue Cam­bronne, feels like a dis­cov­ery you'll want to keep all to your­self. But the se­cret's bound to get out about this charm­ing restau­rant that's much more than a place to sim­ply eat; it's a des­ti­na­tion. The at­mos­phere wel­comes you in with warmth, mak­ing it

per­fect for both in­ti­mate gath­er­ings and larg­er cel­e­bra­tions. The staff em­bod­ies Parisian hos­pi­tal­i­ty, mak­ing you feel like a reg­u­lar from the mo­ment you step in­side. While the am­biance draws you in, it's the de­lec­table food that will make you linger. And with a glass raised, you'll toast to stum­bling upon this hid­den trea­sure.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday07:00 - 12:00Tuesday07:00 - 12:00Wednesday07:00 - 12:00Thursday07:00 - 12:00Friday07:00 - 12:00Saturday07:00 - 12:00Sunday08:00 - 12:00