
Wake­up Copen­hagen, Bern­storff­s­gade


Wake­up Copen­hagen, Bern­storff­s­gade is a mod­ern and styl­ish ho­tel per­fect for ex­plor­ing Copen­hagen. Sit­u­at­ed with­in easy reach of Tivoli Gar­dens, Ny­havn Canal, and Amalien­borg Palace, its lo­ca­tion makes sight­see­ing a breeze. The ho­tel en­sures a com­fort­able stay with ameni­ties like com­pli­men­ta­ry Wi-Fi, a fit­ness cen­ter, and a re­lax­ing sauna. We found the rooms to be clean and com­fort­able, and the staff in­cred­i­bly friend­ly and help­ful. For trav­ellers seek­ing an af­ford­able base in Copen­hagen with­out sac­ri­fic­ing com­fort or con­ve­nience, Wake­up Copen­hagen, Bern­storff­s­gade de­liv­ers ex­cel­lent val­ue.
