
WaBa Grill


Crav­ing healthy and tasty food that won't weigh you down? WaBa Grill is call­ing your name. This pop­u­lar spot is known for its unique blend of fresh, grilled dish­es burst­ing with fla­vor. Imag­ine dig­ging into a plate of per­fect­ly cooked chick­en or steak, paired with fluffy rice and crisp veg­gies – it's a wel­come change from typ­i­cal fast-ca­su­al fare. The por­tions are gen­er­ous, mak­ing it a sat­is­fy­ing meal whether you're a hun­gry trav­el­er or a lo­cal look­ing for a quick and de­li­cious bite.

Opening hours
Monday08:00 - 19:00Tuesday08:00 - 19:00Wednesday08:00 - 19:00Thursday08:00 - 19:00Friday08:00 - 19:00Saturday08:00 - 18:00SundayClosed