
Vinote­ca Chiswick


Vinote­ca Chiswick quick­ly be­comes a fa­vorite haunt for any­one spend­ing time in the neigh­bor­hood. It strikes a unique bal­ance, em­a­nat­ing a re­fined at­mos­phere with­out feel­ing stuffy. The main draw is un­doubt­ed­ly the cozy back room wine bar, made even more invit­ing by the open view of their bustling kitchen. Whether you're look­ing for a spe­cial oc­ca­sion spot or just a mem­o­rable evening out, Vinote­ca Chiswick promis­es a de­light­ful ex­pe­ri­ence fo­cused on de­li­cious food and drink.

Price point