
Vig­gos Bar


Hey there! We'd like to per­son­al­ly in­vite you to check out Vig­gos Bar. We're a fam­i­ly-owned es­tab­lish­ment that val­ues cre­at­ing a wel­com­ing en­vi­ron­ment for all our guests. Our top pri­or­i­ty is pro­vid­ing top-notch cus­tomer ser­vice to every­one who steps through our doors, re­gard­less of age or fa­mil­iar­i­ty with us. Whether you're look­ing for a nice spot to un­wind with a drink or a con­vivial spot to hang out with friends, we'd be hon­ored to have you be­come a part of the Vig­gos Bar fam­i­ly.

Opening hours
Monday11:00 - 05:00Tuesday11:00 - 05:00Wednesday11:00 - 05:00Thursday11:00 - 05:00Friday11:00 - 05:00Saturday11:00 - 05:00Sunday11:00 - 05:00