tourist attraction

Vidi Guides Brix­ton - Start­ing Point


Brix­ton Mar­ket prac­ti­cal­ly thrums with en­er­gy, its col­or­ful stalls a feast for the eyes. Just a stone's throw away, Brix­ton Vil­lage of­fers a haven of unique shops and skilled crafts­peo­ple, each space brim­ming with dis­tinc­tive finds. Let the bold street art guide your ex­plo­ration; each mur­al tells a sto­ry, blend­ing the area's sto­ried past with its mod­ern en­er­gy. Be­fore div­ing into the culi­nary scene, grab a cof­fee from the de­light­ful Kaffiene – it's the per­fect pick-me-up. From aro­mat­ic cur­ries to mouth­wa­ter­ing baked goods, Brix­ton's di­verse food scene is a treat for the sens­es. And don't miss the chance to sa­vor the fla­vors of the Caribbean at the near­by food stalls.
