
Vic­to­ria Park


Vic­to­ria Park, the largest park in Hong Kong, is a breath of fresh air amidst the city's en­er­gy. Cov­er­ing a sprawl­ing 19 hectares, it's a refuge for those seek­ing a break from the ur­ban jun­gle. A serene pond re­flects the sky, while ex­pan­sive lawns beck­on you to un­wind. For the ac­tive vis­i­tor,

the park pro­vides ten­nis and bas­ket­ball courts, a run­ning track, and even a swim­ming pool. Week­ends and hol­i­days bring a sym­pho­ny of ac­tiv­i­ty as lo­cals and trav­el­ers alike gath­er for pic­nics, kite-fly­ing, and Tai Chi. Grab a spot on a bench and sim­ply en­joy the live­ly spec­ta­cle of peo­ple en­joy­ing this ur­ban oa­sis.
