italian restaurant

Ver­di - Ital­ian Kitchen at the Roy­al Al­bert Hall


Walk­ing into Ver­di at the Roy­al Al­bert Hall is an ex­pe­ri­ence in it­self. The buzz of con­ver­sa­tion and de­li­cious smells hit you in­stant­ly, mak­ing you feel like you've walked into a heart­warm­ing Ital­ian fam­i­ly gath­er­ing – just with in­cred­i­ble acoustics as a bonus. We love com­ing here for a pre-show din­ner. The menu

is sim­ple but sat­is­fy­ing, packed with Ital­ian com­fort food clas­sics. Pic­ture per­fect­ly cooked pas­ta and piz­zas straight from the oven. The re­laxed at­mos­phere and ded­i­cat­ed kid­s' menu make it a great op­tion for fam­i­lies, but it's also a fan­tas­tic spot for a ca­su­al get-to­geth­er with friends over a shared bot­tle of wine.

Price point