


Step­ping into The Vault in Dubai's In­ter­na­tion­al Fi­nan­cial Cen­tre is like step­ping back in time. Dim­ly lit and adorned with vin­tage safes, the space whis­pers sto­ries of a glam­orous past. Plush seat­ing in­vites you to set­tle in and soak up the so­phis­ti­cat­ed am­biance. The menu is a jour­ney for your taste buds, fea­tur­ing

ex­pert­ly craft­ed dish­es and cock­tails that are prac­ti­cal­ly too beau­ti­ful to drink. Each bite and sip is a lux­u­ri­ous ex­pe­ri­ence. A cu­rat­ed sound­track pro­vid­ed by the in-house DJ en­hances the al­ready mag­i­cal mood, mak­ing The Vault more than just a bar—it's a com­plete sen­so­ry ex­pe­ri­ence that stays with you long af­ter you leave.

Opening hours
Monday17:00 - 02:00Tuesday17:00 - 02:00Wednesday17:00 - 02:00Thursday17:00 - 02:00Friday17:00 - 03:00Saturday17:00 - 03:00Sunday17:00 - 02:00