
Ut­ter­slev Mose


Step­ping into Ut­ter­slev Mose, it's easy to for­get the pulse of Copen­hagen is just min­utes away. This ex­pan­sive na­ture re­serve tru­ly feels like an es­cape. Calm lakes re­flect the sky, wild­flower mead­ows burst with col­or, and peace­ful trails in­vite ex­plo­ration. As you walk the wind­ing paths, watch for the many birds that call this re­serve home. The area's di­verse plant and an­i­mal life make it a haven for na­ture lovers. For a mo­ment of qui­et, find a scenic spot for a pic­nic and soak in the beau­ti­ful views of this ur­ban oa­sis.
