
Urth Caffe Bev­er­ly Hills


Urth Caffe in Bev­er­ly Hills is more than just a cafe; it's a full-blown sen­so­ry ex­pe­ri­ence. The minute you walk through the door, the tan­ta­liz­ing aro­ma of cof­fee and pas­tries wash­es over you. The at­mos­phere is invit­ing and com­fort­able, with plush seat­ing and soft light­ing that makes you want to

stay for hours. The menu is just as en­tic­ing, with a de­li­cious se­lec­tion of break­fast treats, fresh sal­ads, ar­ti­sanal piz­zas, and pas­ta dish­es. Whether you're grab­bing a quick lat­te or treat­ing your­self to a leisure­ly brunch, Urth Caffe of­fers a mem­o­rable din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence amidst the glam­our of Bev­er­ly Hills.

Price point