hair salon

Ur­ban Stu­dio


Im­merse your­self in the heart of Malmö's bur­geon­ing art scene at the Ur­ban Stu­dio. This vi­brant hub in­vites you to ex­plore the fu­sion of street art and ur­ban liv­ing. Im­merse your­self in the raw en­er­gy of graf­fi­ti-clad walls and dis­cov­er the sto­ries they tell. Mar­vel at the in­tri­cate mu­rals that adorn the stu­dio,

each piece a cap­ti­vat­ing tes­ta­ment to the city's cre­ative soul. Whether you're an art en­thu­si­ast or sim­ply seek­ing in­spi­ra­tion, the Ur­ban Stu­dio of­fers a cap­ti­vat­ing glimpse into the ur­ban can­vas of Malmö. Be pre­pared to be swept away by the ex­plo­sion of col­ors, tex­tures, and the vi­brant spir­it that de­fines this un­miss­able des­ti­na­tion.

Opening hours
Monday10:00 AM - 6:00 PMTuesday10:00 AM - 6:00 PMWednesday10:00 AM - 6:00 PMThursday10:00 AM - 6:00 PMFriday10:00 AM - 6:00 PMSaturday10:00 AM - 2:00 PMSundayClosed