
Tyge & Ses­sil


Call­ing all food lovers head­ing to Stock­holm – put Tyge & Ses­sil at the very top of your must-try list. This stand­out spot is all about per­fect­ly match­ing in­cred­i­ble wines with their mouth­wa­ter­ing dish­es. Think mod­ern twists on clas­sic Nordic recipes, all craft­ed with the fresh­est, top-notch in­gre­di­ents. Every sin­gle bite is an ex­plo­sion of fla­vor.

The vibe is cool and ca­su­al, but still feels spe­cial – ide­al for a cel­e­bra­to­ry din­ner or catch­ing up with your friends. Whether you're a lo­cal or just in town for a vis­it, Tyge & Ses­sil guar­an­tees a fan­tas­tic time. Their com­mit­ment to qual­i­ty shines through, promis­ing a culi­nary jour­ney that will stay with you.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday16:00 - 01:00Sunday16:00 - 01:00Tuesday16:00 - 01:00Wednesday16:00 - 01:00Thursday16:00 - 01:00Friday16:00 - 01:00Saturday16:00 - 01:00