italian restaurant

Tuc­co | Born


Tuc­co Real Food Born is a true culi­nary es­cape on Barcelon­a's live­ly streets. The minute you step in­side, invit­ing scents hit you, build­ing an­tic­i­pa­tion for an amaz­ing meal. And Tuc­co de­liv­ers! Every dish bursts with au­then­tic fla­vors, thanks to the fresh­est lo­cal in­gre­di­ents. The restau­rant it­self is warm and wel­com­ing. Con­tem­po­rary art adds a mod­ern touch, while soft light­ing cre­ates a cozy

feel. The menu reads like a de­li­cious poem, show­cas­ing clas­sic Cata­lan dish­es with a mod­ern twist. Don't miss their in­cred­i­ble pael­la, packed with fresh seafood and per­fect­ly saf­fron-in­fused rice. An­oth­er must-try is the melt-in-your-mouth Iberi­co pork, grilled to per­fec­tion and served with a vi­brant chimichur­ri sauce. At Tuc­co, you ex­pe­ri­ence the real taste of the Mediter­ranean in a chic and friend­ly set­ting.
