
TRY ME Restau­rant


If you're look­ing for a unique din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence in Siem Reap, look no fur­ther than the TRY ME Restau­rant. This quirky lit­tle spot is lo­cat­ed in a tra­di­tion­al Khmer house and serves up a de­li­cious fu­sion of Khmer and West­ern cui­sine. The menu is full of cre­ative dish­es, like the "Khmer Tacos" and the "Beef Lok Lak Burg­er." The at­mos­phere is re­laxed and friend­ly, and the staff is in­cred­i­bly ac­com­mo­dat­ing. Whether you're look­ing for a quick bite or a ro­man­tic din­ner, the TRY ME Restau­rant is def­i­nite­ly worth a vis­it.

Opening hours
Monday09:00 - 22:00Tuesday09:00 - 22:00Wednesday09:00 - 22:00Thursday09:00 - 22:00Friday09:00 - 22:00Saturday09:00 - 22:00Sunday09:00 - 22:00