Trop­i­cal Breeze Guest­house


Nes­tled amidst the vi­brant streets of Siem Reap, Trop­i­cal Breeze Guest­house em­anates tran­quil­i­ty with its lush trop­i­cal gar­den and cozy am­biance. Each room is adorned with col­or­ful Khmer-in­spired tex­tiles and hand­craft­ed fur­nish­ings, promis­ing a com­fort­able respite af­ter a day of tem­ple ex­plo­ration. The guest­house­'s cen­tral lo­ca­tion places you steps away from the vi­brant Pub Street and the icon­ic Angkor Wat com­plex. Whether seek­ing a bud­get-friend­ly stay or a mem­o­rable cul­tur­al im­mer­sion, Trop­i­cal Breeze Guest­house wel­comes you with its warm hos­pi­tal­i­ty and laid-back charm.
