italian restaurant

Trio Pizze­ria


Trio Pizze­ria in Lon­don is a true culi­nary es­cape, trans­port­ing you straight to Naples with its in­tox­i­cat­ing aro­ma of fresh­ly baked dough. The restau­ran­t's at­mos­phere is both invit­ing and styl­ish, with its chic wood­en ta­bles and vin­tage Ital­ian posters cre­at­ing a warm and cozy vibe. Their menu is a cel­e­bra­tion of fla­vors, show­cas­ing both clas­sic and in­no­v­a­tive piz­zas, all made with top-notch in­gre­di­ents. Whether you pre­fer the sim­ple per­fec­tion of

a Margheri­ta or the fiery kick of a Di­avola, Trio has a piz­za to hit the spot. Be­yond the fan­tas­tic food, Tri­o's friend­ly staff goes the ex­tra mile to make every din­er feel wel­come, adding a per­son­al warmth to the al­ready won­der­ful din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. Whether you're a piz­za con­nois­seur or a cu­ri­ous new­bie to Ital­ian cui­sine, Trio Pizze­ria is a must-try des­ti­na­tion that will leave you crav­ing more.

Price point