
Tres­tle Restau­rant


Lo­cat­ed on the edge of North Beach, Tres­tle is a fan­tas­tic find for those who ap­pre­ci­ate a gourmet ex­pe­ri­ence with­out the ex­trav­a­gant price tag. The restau­rant fea­tures a fresh se­lec­tion of dish­es dai­ly, boast­ing a dy­nam­ic $42 fixed-price menu. It's quick­ly gained recog­ni­tion for pro­vid­ing high-qual­i­ty cui­sine at a price that wel­comes every­one. Lo­cals con­sid­er it a prime spot for a so­phis­ti­cat­ed and rea­son­ably priced meal. Its de­sir­able lo­ca­tion and ever-chang­ing menu op­tions so­lid­i­fy Tres­tle as a unique and mem­o­rable din­ing des­ti­na­tion in the city.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday17:30 - 21:00Tuesday17:30 - 21:00Wednesday17:30 - 21:00Thursday17:30 - 21:00Friday17:30 - 22:00Saturday17:30 - 22:00Sunday17:30 - 21:00