
Tot­ten­ham Hale Re­tail Park


In North Lon­don, where the Vic­to­ria line meets the Over­ground, you'll find Tot­ten­ham Hale Re­tail Park. This bustling shop­per's par­adise boasts a di­verse ar­ray of high-street fa­vorites and de­sign­er out­lets. Walk­ing in, the sleek lines of Zara and H&M catch your eye, while a bit fur­ther along, flag­ship stores of Sports Di­rect and Marks & Spencer an­chor the park. Those

seek­ing home­ware will be de­light­ed by the of­fer­ings of Dunelm and Ar­gos, while tech-savvy shop­pers can find the lat­est gad­gets at Cur­rys PC World. A true gem is the im­pres­sive M&S Out­let, a trea­sure trove of dis­count­ed cloth­ing, home­ware, and food. With a vast se­lec­tion of restau­rants and cafes, the re­tail park of­fers a wel­come break from a busy day of shop­ping.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday08:00 - 23:00Tuesday08:00 - 23:00Wednesday08:00 - 23:00Thursday08:00 - 23:00Friday08:00 - 23:00Saturday08:00 - 23:00Sunday11:00 - 17:00