
Top Bar


Top Bar in Pal­ma de Mal­lor­ca is a must-vis­it for those seek­ing a live­ly and di­verse ex­pe­ri­ence. Upon en­ter­ing, you're greet­ed by an en­er­getic at­mos­phere, buzzing with con­ver­sa­tion and laugh­ter. In­dulge in fresh-baked bread rolls and tempt­ing ap­pe­tiz­ers while sip­ping on pre­mi­um wines and spir­its. The bar boasts an im­pres­sive se­lec­tion of drinks, cater­ing to a va­ri­ety of tastes. Their skilled mixol­o­gists are true artists, craft­ing ex­pert­ly-made cock­tails that are

as vi­su­al­ly ap­peal­ing as they are de­li­cious. And for a unique treat, don't miss their canned gourmet spe­cial­ties - a de­light­ful fu­sion of fla­vors and con­ve­nience. As the evening pro­gress­es, the bar trans­forms into a haven for mu­sic lovers. Live mu­sic per­for­mances fill the space with en­er­gy, show­cas­ing the best of the lo­cal mu­sic scene. From soul­ful melodies to up­beat rhythms, there's some­thing to suit every mu­si­cal pref­er­ence.
