ramen restaurant

Tonkot­su Ken­tish Town


Nes­tled amidst the bustling streets of Ken­tish Town, Tonkot­su stands out as a haven for ra­men lovers. The in­ti­mate space ex­udes a cozy am­biance, with com­mu­nal ta­bles and warm light­ing. The menu is a trib­ute to the clas­sic tonkot­su ra­men, fea­tur­ing a rich and fla­vor­ful broth metic­u­lous­ly sim­mered for hours. Pork bel­ly, egg, and bam­boo

shoots adorn the steam­ing bowls, promis­ing a taste of au­then­tic Japan­ese cui­sine. While the tonkot­su is the star of the show, the yak­i­tori skew­ers and gy­oza dumplings of­fer de­li­cious ac­com­pa­ni­ments for a com­plete meal. Tonkot­su Ken­tish Town is not just a restau­rant; it's a culi­nary jour­ney that will trans­port you to the streets of Japan.

Price point