home improvement store



Ever won­dered what goes on be­hind the scenes at your fa­vorite restau­rant? At TONG, they're serv­ing up more than just de­li­cious food; they're of­fer­ing a glimpse into the re­al­i­ties of the culi­nary world. This Stock­holm eatery gen­er­ous­ly shares its jour­ney, from the ini­tial spark of an idea to the grand open­ing and the dai­ly grind of keep­ing a restau­rant thriv­ing. Whether you're a sea­soned food­ie or just cu­ri­ous about the ded­i­ca­tion it takes to suc­ceed in the restau­rant busi­ness, TONG's sto­ry of­fers a fas­ci­nat­ing per­spec­tive. It's an hon­est and in­spir­ing look at the pas­sion and hard work that goes into mak­ing a restau­rant dream a re­al­i­ty.

Opening hours
Monday06:00 - 20:00Saturday08:00 - 18:00Sunday09:00 - 18:00Tuesday06:00 - 20:00Wednesday06:00 - 20:00Thursday06:00 - 20:00Friday06:00 - 20:00