
Tom­tom Cof­fee House


Right by Covent Gar­den, the smell of fresh cof­fee prac­ti­cal­ly pulls you into Tom­tom Cof­fee House. It's charm­ing and cozy in­side, with vin­tage-style dec­o­ra­tions and a mix-and-match feel. Re­lax in com­fy arm­chairs or grab a spot at the big com­mu­nal ta­ble where every­one seems to be chat­ting and en­joy­ing them­selves. The menu, writ­ten on a chalk­board,

has tons of cof­fee drinks, from reg­u­lar cap­puc­ci­nos to more ex­cit­ing espres­so cre­ations. And don't even get me start­ed on the pas­tries – they look ab­solute­ly in­cred­i­ble! Tom­tom Cof­fee House is a real ex­pe­ri­ence. You can taste the love they put into their cof­fee, and the whole place feels like a step back in time.

Price point