
Tomas­so - New York Piz­za


We were se­ri­ous­ly crav­ing a big, cheesy slice of fa­mil­iar com­fort food, and let me tell you, Tomas­so - New York Piz­za did not dis­ap­point! This place is­n't mess­ing around – they serve up tru­ly au­then­tic New York-style piz­za with a crust that's crisp and chewy in all the right places, and top­pings that taste fresh and fla­vor­ful. En­joy­ing a

cold beer while soak­ing up the en­er­getic am­biance was the per­fect way to recharge af­ter a day of ex­plor­ing the city. They even have a clas­sic ar­cade game – ide­al for a bit of play­ful ri­val­ry with your trav­el bud­dies. And be sure to check out their col­lec­tion of piz­za-themed sou­venirs – a cool me­men­to of your meal.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday19:00 - 23:00TuesdayClosedWednesday19:00 - 23:00Thursday19:00 - 23:00Friday19:00 - 23:00Saturday19:00 - 23:00Sunday19:00 - 23:00