Tivo­lis Spring­vand


Step­ping into Tivoli Gar­dens is like step­ping into a whim­si­cal world of de­lights. Be­yond the rides and treats, one dis­cov­ers a cap­ti­vat­ing spec­ta­cle at its cen­ter: the Tivoli Spring­vand. This ma­jes­tic foun­tain cap­ti­vates on­look­ers with its in­tri­cate de­sign and the mes­mer­iz­ing play of wa­ter that dances in the air. As the sun dips

be­low the hori­zon, the foun­tain trans­forms into a breath­tak­ing spec­ta­cle of light and col­or. The il­lu­mi­nat­ed jets of wa­ter cre­ate a mes­mer­iz­ing dis­play, re­flect­ing the sur­round­ing lights and cast­ing an ethe­re­al glow upon the faces of mes­mer­ized spec­ta­tors. It's a true high­light of the Tivoli ex­pe­ri­ence and a must-see for any vis­i­tor.

Opening hours
Monday11:00 - 21:00Tuesday11:00 - 21:00Wednesday11:00 - 21:00Thursday11:00 - 21:00Friday11:00 - 21:00Saturday11:00 - 21:00Sunday11:00 - 21:00