
Tiong Bahru Bak­ery


Step into Tiong Bahru Bak­ery and you'll be greet­ed by the ir­re­sistible scent of fresh­ly baked bread and pas­tries, in­stant­ly trans­port­ing you to a Parisian side street. Lo­cat­ed in the charm­ing Tiong Bahru neigh­bor­hood, this bak­ery is a fa­vorite haunt for both lo­cals and tourists seek­ing a de­light­ful break­fast or af­ter­noon pick-me-up. Their crois­sants

are leg­endary - flaky, but­tery, and ab­solute­ly di­vine. But don't stop there! Ex­plore their ar­ray of ar­ti­sanal breads, pas­tries, and cakes, each craft­ed with care and pre­ci­sion. Set­tle into the cozy at­mos­phere with a per­fect­ly brewed cup of cof­fee and let the world drift by as you sa­vor every bite and sip.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday07:30 - 20:30Tuesday07:30 - 20:30Wednesday07:30 - 20:30Thursday07:30 - 20:30Friday07:30 - 20:30Saturday07:30 - 20:30Sunday07:30 - 20:30