
Three Wheels Cof­fee


For­get your av­er­age cof­fee run. At Three Wheels Cof­fee, sit­u­at­ed in The Shard Ar­cade at Lon­don Bridge, it's all about the *ex­pe­ri­ence*. They use spe­cial­ty beans, roast­ed lo­cal­ly by As­sem­bly Cof­fee just for them, and the dif­fer­ence is clear. Each cup is an ex­pert­ly craft­ed de­light, with the espres­so pulled to per­fec­tion every sin­gle time. If you're look­ing for a step up from the or­di­nary, Three Wheels Cof­fee is a must-try for a sub­lime caf­feine fix.

Opening hours
Monday07:00 - 15:30Tuesday07:00 - 15:30Wednesday07:00 - 15:30Thursday07:00 - 15:30Friday07:00 - 15:30SaturdayClosedSundayClosed