
Thor­parch Road Pock­et Park


Thor­parch Road Pock­et Park, a sanc­tu­ary in the bustling city of Lon­don, in­vites tran­quil­i­ty amidst the ur­ban land­scape. This com­pact green space nes­tles along Thor­parch Road in Vaux­hall, of­fer­ing a respite from the con­crete jun­gle. Its pri­ma­ry pur­pose ex­tends be­yond aes­thet­ics, as it also serves as a vi­tal flood stor­age area for rain­wa­ter. The park's de­sign fos­ters a haven for wildlife, at­tract­ing a va­ri­ety of crea­tures that con­tribute to its eco­log­i­cal rich­ness.
