
Thon­burirom Park


Thon­burirom Park is an ur­ban jun­gle with a touch of seren­i­ty, a green oa­sis in the midst of Bangkok's bustling Thon­buri dis­trict. Es­cape the city's re­lent­less pace and step into a world of lush green­ery, serene lakes, and pic­turesque bridges. The park's man­i­cured gar­dens in­vite you to take a leisure­ly stroll, while shady trees pro­vide sanc­tu­ary from the scorch­ing sun. Watch as lo­cals prac­tice Tai Chi by the lake or gath­er for pic­nics un­der the shade. Thon­burirom Park is not just a re­treat but a vi­brant com­mu­ni­ty space, host­ing cul­tur­al events and of­fer­ing a glimpse into the every­day life of Bangkokians.

Opening hours
Monday5:00 AM - 9:00 PMTuesday5:00 AM - 9:00 PMWednesday5:00 AM - 9:00 PMThursday5:00 AM - 9:00 PMFriday5:00 AM - 9:00 PMSaturday5:00 AM - 9:00 PMSunday5:00 AM - 9:00 PM