
The West Hol­ly­wood EDI­TION


Im­merse your­self in the heart of Los An­ge­les at The West Hol­ly­wood EDI­TION, where art and el­e­gance con­verge. Step into a world of con­tem­po­rary mas­ter­pieces, set­ting the stage for an un­for­get­table ex­pe­ri­ence. Re­treat to lux­u­ri­ous ac­com­mo­da­tions with floor-to-ceil­ing win­dows that un­veil breath­tak­ing city views. Plush fur­nish­ings beck­on you to re­lax and ab­sorb the vi­brant en­er­gy of Los An­ge­les. As­cend to the chic rooftop bar, a so­cial hub for lo­cals and trav­el­ers alike. In­dulge in culi­nary artistry at Ar­dor, the sig­na­ture restau­rant, where tan­ta­liz­ing dish­es ig­nite your taste buds. Re­ju­ve­nate at The Spa, a tran­quil sanc­tu­ary where sooth­ing treat­ments re­store your well-be­ing. Emerge re­freshed and ready to ex­plore the ad­ven­tures that await in the City of An­gels. With its prime lo­ca­tion and un­par­al­leled ameni­ties, The West Hol­ly­wood EDI­TION of­fers an un­for­get­table es­cape in the heart of Los An­ge­les.

Price point