cocktail bar

The Way­land


The Way­land is a true East Vil­lage gem, draw­ing you in with its un­pre­ten­tious ex­te­ri­or and cap­ti­vat­ing you with its in­ti­mate at­mos­phere. In­side, the dim light­ing and ex­posed brick cre­ate a cozy refuge from the bustling city out­side. The real star of the show, how­ev­er, is the cock­tail menu.

Each drink is a care­ful­ly craft­ed mas­ter­piece, blend­ing unique fla­vors and show­cas­ing the bar­tender's ex­per­tise. With live mu­sic adding to the al­lure, The Way­land is the per­fect spot for a mem­o­rable night out, where you can un­wind, en­joy ex­cep­tion­al drinks, and soak in the cre­ative en­er­gy that per­me­ates every cor­ner.

Price point