tourist attraction

The Vic­to­ri­an Home


A stroll through Copen­hagen's Fred­eriks­berg neigh­bor­hood feels like step­ping back in time, es­pe­cial­ly when you hap­pen upon a grand Vic­to­ri­an Home dat­ing back to 1857. The in­tri­cate brick­work and elab­o­rate ac­cents in­stant­ly draw your eye, while the gen­tly slop­ing roof and invit­ing wood­en bal­conies add to its un­de­ni­able charm. In­side, a sense of lux­u­ry and re­fine­ment wash­es over you. The foy­er leads you through a se­ries of ex­quis­ite­ly ap­point­ed rooms,

each fea­tur­ing an­tique fur­nish­ings, sparkling chan­de­liers, and care­ful­ly cu­rat­ed art­work. The draw­ing-room, with its grand fire­place and de­tailed plas­ter­work, is a true show­stop­per. How­ev­er, the real trea­sure awaits be­low: a vast cel­lar. Orig­i­nal­ly used for wine stor­age and hous­ing hors­es, it now hous­es a fas­ci­nat­ing ex­hi­bi­tion show­cas­ing the his­to­ry of the home and the lives of its for­mer oc­cu­pants. It of­fers a re­mark­able glimpse into Copen­hagen's Vic­to­ri­an past.

Opening hours
TuesdayClosedWednesdayClosedMondayClosedThursdayClosedFridayClosedSaturday11:00 - 14:00Sunday11:00 - 14:00