cocktail bar

The Sum­mit Bar


Above Al­pha­bet City, The Sum­mit Bar ex­udes an aura of re­fined taste and cre­ative en­er­gy. Chic dé­cor and low light­ing set the stage for an un­for­get­table evening. The star of this up­scale lo­cale is its re­mark­able drink menu, con­ceived by tal­ent­ed bev­er­age artists who seam­less­ly blend tra­di­tion­al meth­ods with mod­ern in­ter­pre­ta­tions. Each bev­er­age is a voy­age for your palate, trans­port­ing you to a world of dis­tinct tastes and al­lur­ing aro­mas.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday17:00 - 02:00Tuesday17:00 - 02:00Wednesday17:00 - 02:00Thursday17:00 - 02:00Friday17:00 - 03:00Saturday17:00 - 03:00Sunday17:00 - 02:00