
The Sul­tan Chick­en


At The Sul­tan Chick­en, a Los An­ge­les eatery, dis­cov­er a world of au­then­tic Mid­dle East­ern fla­vors. Pre­pare to be trans­port­ed to the re­gion's bustling mar­ket­places as your sens­es come alive. For a tru­ly sat­is­fy­ing meal, try the "Sul­tan's Plat­ter." This dish in­cludes sa­vory chick­en shawar­ma, de­lec­table lamb chops, fla­vor­ful beef kaf­ta, and aro­mat­ic rice, all beau­ti­ful­ly arranged on a bed of smooth hum­mus and tangy pick­les. If you're feel­ing ad­ven­tur­ous, delve into the "Lamb Tagine," a clas­sic Mo­roc­can stew fea­tur­ing ten­der lamb slow-cooked in fra­grant spices and herbs, served along­side fluffy cous­cous and a touch of

pome­gran­ate mo­lasses. This culi­nary des­ti­na­tion prides it­self on us­ing high-qual­i­ty in­gre­di­ents. The ex­pert chefs draw in­spi­ra­tion from time-hon­ored recipes, in­fus­ing them with mod­ern culi­nary tech­niques to craft dish­es that are both com­fort­ing and in­no­v­a­tive. The restau­ran­t's invit­ing am­biance, adorned with vi­brant decor, cre­ates the per­fect set­ting for an un­for­get­table din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. The at­ten­tive staff is ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing top-notch ser­vice, of­fer­ing per­son­al­ized sug­ges­tions and guid­ing you through the menu's of­fer­ings. Whether you're seek­ing a quick bite, a re­lax­ing din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, or a spe­cial oc­ca­sion din­ner, The Sul­tan Chick­en guar­an­tees a unique and de­light­ful culi­nary ad­ven­ture.

Opening hours
Monday09:30 - 18:00Tuesday09:30 - 18:00Wednesday09:30 - 18:00Thursday09:30 - 18:00Friday09:30 - 18:00Saturday10:00 - 17:00SundayClosed