
The Square


The Square Ho­tel per­fect­ly cap­tures that ef­fort­less­ly cool, mod­ern en­er­gy Copen­hagen is known for. Rooms are chic and invit­ing – styl­ish­ly de­signed with­out feel­ing too pre­cious to ac­tu­al­ly re­lax in. A ma­jor high­light? Their in­cred­i­ble rooftop ter­race. It's an ide­al lo­ca­tion to soak up some rays with a re­fresh­ing drink while en­joy­ing sweep­ing city vis­tas. Speak­ing of lo­ca­tion, you're with­in easy walk­ing dis­tance to must-see at­trac­tions like the Roy­al Dan­ish The­atre and the charm­ing Ny­havn wa­ter­front. Look­ing for a trendy and con­ve­nient­ly lo­cat­ed launch­pad for your Copen­hagen ex­plo­rations? The Square Ho­tel is a sure bet.
