
The So­cial Bar & Bistro


A quick hop and a skip from Ter­mi­nal 3 at Copen­hagen Air­port, you'll find The So­cial Bar & Bistro – an ide­al spot to re­lax be­fore your flight or grab a bite with your fel­low trav­el­ers. The Clar­i­on Hotel's bistro buzzes with the en­er­gy of glo­be­trot­ters, a sym­pho­ny of lan­guages and laugh­ter. Grab a com­fy seat at the bar, or­der

one of their unique cock­tails, and let the live­ly at­mos­phere wash over you. Whether you're crav­ing a quick bite or a leisure­ly meal, their menu of­fers a de­li­cious se­lec­tion of in­ter­na­tion­al dish­es and lo­cal fa­vorites. With its con­ve­nient lo­ca­tion and en­er­getic vibe, The So­cial Bar & Bistro is a great place to raise a glass to your next ad­ven­ture.

Opening hours
Monday00:00 - 22:30Tuesday00:00 - 22:30Wednesday00:00 - 22:30Thursday00:00 - 22:30Friday00:00 - 22:30Saturday15:00 - 22:30Sunday15:00 - 22:30