
The Rum Kitchen Brix­ton


Rum Kitchen is a pop­u­lar Caribbean-themed restau­rant and bar lo­cat­ed in the heart of Brix­ton. The venue is known for its vi­brant at­mos­phere, de­li­cious food, and ex­ten­sive rum se­lec­tion. Upon en­ter­ing Rum Kitchen, you'll be greet­ed by a warm and friend­ly staff who are al­ways hap­py to help you find the per­fect rum for your taste. The menu fea­tures a wide va­ri­ety of Caribbean dish­es, from clas­sic jerk chick­en

to more mod­ern cre­ations. The food is al­ways fresh and fla­vor­ful, and the por­tions are gen­er­ous. The bar at Rum Kitchen is stocked with over 100 dif­fer­ent rums from around the world. Whether you're a rum con­nois­seur or just look­ing to try some­thing new, you're sure to find some­thing to your lik­ing. The bar­tenders are knowl­edge­able and pas­sion­ate about rum, and they're al­ways hap­py to rec­om­mend a drink that you'll en­joy.

Price point