
The Roost LDN Ltd


Crav­ing a de­li­cious roast chick­en with­out the has­sle? The Roost LDN Ltd. is your an­swer. This de­liv­ery ser­vice brings juicy, fla­vor­ful ro­tis­serie chick­en straight to your door. What's their se­cret? The Roost LDN Ltd. is com­mit­ted to us­ing only free-range chick­en, en­sur­ing a meal that's as eth­i­cal as it is de­li­cious.

Lo­cat­ed in the Is­ling­ton, Canon­bury, Hack­ney, and High­bury ar­eas, you can en­joy a va­ri­ety of chick­en-cen­tric dish­es, com­ple­ment­ed by fresh sal­ads and oth­er healthy, or­gan­ic choic­es. Want a sneak peek at their menu or get a be­hind-the-scenes look at their op­er­a­tion? Be sure to check them out on so­cial me­dia.
