The Put­man


Im­merse your­self in the world of de­sign at The Put­man, a haven of chic so­phis­ti­ca­tion in the heart of Hong Kong. Con­ceived by the icon­ic An­drée Put­man, this bou­tique ho­tel is a mas­ter­piece of mod­ern el­e­gance, where every de­tail has been metic­u­lous­ly cu­rat­ed. Step into a world of sleek lines, bold geo­met­ric pat­terns, and a har­mo­nious blend of tex­tures and ma­te­ri­als. Each room and suite is a sanc­tu­ary of style, fea­tur­ing cus­tom-de­signed fur­nish­ings, con­tem­po­rary art­work, and breath­tak­ing city views. In­dulge in un­par­al­leled com­fort with plush bed­ding, lux­u­ri­ous ameni­ties, and per­son­al­ized ser­vice

that caters to your every whim. Be­yond your pri­vate oa­sis, ex­plore the hotel's ex­quis­ite of­fer­ings. Sa­vor de­lec­table cui­sine at the styl­ish restau­rant, un­wind with a hand­craft­ed cock­tail at the in­ti­mate bar, or re­ju­ve­nate your sens­es at the serene spa. The Put­man's prime lo­ca­tion places you steps away from the city's vi­brant pulse, of­fer­ing easy ac­cess to lux­u­ry shop­ping, cul­tur­al at­trac­tions, and a dy­nam­ic nightlife scene. Whether you seek a styl­ish es­cape or an im­mer­sion into the world of de­sign, The Put­man promis­es an un­for­get­table ex­pe­ri­ence that will el­e­vate your stay in Hong Kong.
