
The Progress


In San Fran­cis­co's ex­cit­ing Fill­more Dis­trict, State Bird Pro­vi­sions and its sib­ling restau­rant, The Progress, are the cre­ations of culi­nary mas­ter­minds Stu­art Brioza and Nicole Krasin­s­ki. Both restau­rants have earned a Miche­lin star and a cov­et­ed James Beard Award for Best New Restau­rant, among many oth­er recog­ni­tions. They've rapid­ly as­cend­ed to the top of the city's al­ways-evolv­ing

food scene, be­com­ing ab­solute must-tries for dis­cern­ing palates. The dis­tinc­tive and imag­i­na­tive dish­es cre­at­ed by Brioza and Krasin­s­ki show­case their ded­i­ca­tion to high-qual­i­ty in­gre­di­ents and culi­nary artistry, con­tribut­ing to the restau­rants' mas­sive ap­peal. Se­cur­ing a ta­ble at ei­ther of these hotspots is a coup, as they're con­stant­ly buzzing with both lo­cals in the know and food-lov­ing trav­el­ers.

Opening hours
Monday17:30 - 22:00Tuesday17:30 - 22:00Wednesday17:30 - 22:00Thursday17:30 - 22:00Friday17:30 - 22:00Saturday17:30 - 22:00Sunday17:30 - 22:00