tourist attraction

The Play­house


The Copen­hagen Play­house is an ar­chi­tec­tur­al mar­vel, its flu­id de­sign re­flect­ing the city's live­ly spir­it. A true cen­ter for the per­form­ing arts, the Play­house hosts every­thing from pow­er­ful the­atri­cal pro­duc­tions to mes­mer­iz­ing dance shows and deeply mov­ing mu­si­cal per­for­mances. The build­ing it­self is a sight to be­hold. Its glass fa­cade and un­du­lat­ing curves draw the eye, while in­side, a dra­mat­ic, sky-high atri­um greets you, open­ing up into gen­er­ous pub­lic ar­eas. Even if the­ater is­n't your usu­al scene, the Play­house­'s bold de­sign makes it a must-see stop on any Copen­hagen itin­er­ary.
